How To Get More Twitter Followers – Social Media Marketing Tips

How To Get More Twitter Followers It can be a real blow to stumble across your main competitors’ Twitter profile and discover that they have twice as many followers as you do. However, there are a few easy changes that you can make to increase engagement, build a following and ultimately drive sales.

How To Get More Twitter Followers

It can be a real blow to stumble across your main competitors’ Twitter profile and discover that they have twice as many followers as you do. However, there are a few easy changes that you can make to increase engagement, build a following and ultimately drive sales. how to get more twitter followers

Introduce Yourself!

When you meet someone new you really ought to tell them a little about yourself. Make sure that your Twitter bio tells visitors who you are and what you can do for them, without making you sound too much like a salesman.

Look Your Best

Branding should be at the forefront of your Twitter profile. Whether your customers own an old banger or a string of luxury yachts it’s important to adjust both the appearance of your profile and the tone of your tweets to suit. Twitter gives you the option of customizing a background, cover photo and profile picture but you don’t need to be a design guru to make your profile look good. Twitter offers a number or pre-made templates and websites like Free Twitter Designer that can help you create a background for free.

Say Something – Anything!

There is nothing that gives of a worse impression of a company than visiting their Twitter profile and seeing that they haven’t tweeted in a month. Why should I bother increasing my follow count on a company that hardly tweets? There is always something that you can tweet about, whether its opening hours, a friendly tweet with a customer service number or just a tweet to say you are looking forward to the weekend. Nobody wants to follow an inactive profile so, if you’re always on the go then try scheduling your tweets in advance.

Be a Good Listener

Twitter is a two-way conversation, and brands that converse with their customers will thrive! Never ignore a tweet – whether it’s positive or negative – ignoring your followers will drive your customers elsewhere.

Take An Interest

Find out what your fan base is interested in and gear your posts accordingly. Try and understand their problems and post content that aims to resolve them. Whole Foods Market has over 3.5 million followers, mainly because they post great content like recipes and meal ideas. Make sure your tweets add value to your customers and aren’t just created to make you look good.

Capture The Moment

It’s a proven fact that photos draw more engagement than words. With so many plain text tweets in people’s timelines a photo can really help break the monotony. Twitter puts your photos into a nice gallery on the side of your profile which looks attractive to potential followers; make sure you fill it up!

Be Human

Finally, it’s called social networking for a reason, so be personable. You don’t have to sound unprofessional, just try and inject some personality into your tweets from time to time. You could post a photo from a team building exercise or sign off tweets with the initials of the person sending them. Just try not to overdo it; it’s all about finding a balance and showing there is a face behind your brand.

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