97% of Google’s Revenue comes from Pay Per Click Advertising

According to the graphic below, Google made $32.2 billion in total advertising revenue, out of a total revenue of $33.3 billion between Quarter 3 of 2010 and Quarter 2 of 2011. That means that roughly 97% of Google’s revenue is from advertising.

According to the graphic below, Google made $32.2 billion in total advertising revenue, out of a total revenue of $33.3 billion between Quarter 3 of 2010 and Quarter 2 of 2011. That means that roughly 97% of Google’s revenue is from advertising.

Companies pay Google to advertise on their site. To learn more about pay per click advertising, look at the DBS page or contact us to find out more.

The most expensive terms are insurance, loans, mortgage, attorney and credit. To see the full results, look at the graphic below.

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