Confused by Social Media?

Many business people in the UK are confused by social media and just “don’t get it”.

Many business people in the UK are confused by social media and just “don’t get it”.

It’s all quite simple if you just wind the clock back a few years…

In the days before the internet people would share information by actually talking to one another (shock, horror).

Business people would naturally share information and
recommend other goods, products and services. This way of doing business has gone on for
hundreds if not thousands of years but recently has been given the fancy title of “networking”.

Nothing has changed to this information sharing process apart from the vehicle used to network which has now predominantly become the internet.

There’s nothing wrong at all with networking – it still works
perfectly but you have to be eyeball to eyeball with a person for it to
work which can be a limiting factor. You are also reliant on the hope
that the person you are talking to is interested in what you have to
offer. This isn’t always the case.

Social media allows your business to interact with people who
are interested in what you do. Only people who are interested in you
will follow you on social media but it means that potentially you can
network with thousands of interested customers and prospects. That beats
trying to talk eyeball to eyeball with someone who isn’t really
interested in what you have to say.

Social media works on the principle that although you know
your friends you won’t know all your friends’ friends. This means that
one well-crafted message from your business can reach potentially
thousands of people.

Read more about social media on the DBS Internet Marketing website by clicking here

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