Beat Facebook and get your posts seen by everyone

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Once upon a time it was relatively easy for you to get your Facebook posts seen by the masses – so long as your fans clicked the like button on your page then they would see whatever you we’re posting about. Well not anymore…

What’s happened?

Marketers have been worried about organic reach for a while now but recent studies are beginning to show that some Facebook pages are actually reaching as little as 5% of their fan base. 


Facebook officials cited the reason for the drop in reach as “content appearing in the news feed at a faster rate than people’s ability to consume it” which no doubt has a negative effect on the experience of the average Facebook user.

The way forward

It’s not all doom and gloom though and according to some sources, pages that have high engagement rates are among the least affected by the changes. So, if people are commenting, liking and engaging with your posts then you have a greater chance of improving your reach.

Here are five solid tips that will help you increase engagement and ensure that your posts get seen by more people:

  • Experiment with video, photos and text posts to work out what kind of content your fans enjoy.
  • Experiment with timings, are your fans most likely to read your blog in the morning or while they eat their lunch?
  • Studies have shown that Facebook’s algorithms favour visual posts over standard text posts, especially videos –if they took longer to create then they must hold more information and be more valuable to users.
  • Avoid “Like baiting,” Facebook doesn’t appreciate posts that ask its users to perform a specific action, like liking, commenting or sharing. So stay on their good side by avoiding those kinds of posts.
  • Be consistent and helpful. Try and write blogs, create images and make videos that offer something useful to your fans. Give them something of value for liking your page and see your engagement increase.

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