The Importance of Social Media for your Business

DBS Internet Marketing and Social Media in Lincolnshire can help you with all your social media needs for your business, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. This post provides some information about social media, why it is important to your business, and the different forms it can take.

DBS Internet Marketing and Social Media in Lincolnshire can help you with all your social media needs for your business, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. This post provides some information about social media, why it is important to your business, and the different forms it can take.

Social media is a way of communicating with people and providing them with information whilst interacting with them at the same time through the internet. Key social media sites include the social networking site Facebook, the microblogging site Twitter, and the online video sharing site YouTube.

Many of our clients ask us if they really need to be on social media sites and if so what benefits can be gained from having a social media presence. Ultimately, social media is what you make of it. But if you are creative, then we feel that it can benefit you in the following ways.

Firstly it is a quick and easy way for you to communicate with your clients and likewise for them to communicate back with you. It is a far more efficient and easy way of having a dialogue than letter, telephone or email, as it allows you to communicate with a large number of clients or potential clients all at once just by posting a quick comment or status update, perhaps with a link to your website, which takes a matter of seconds.

Using social media can therefore help you to strengthen ties with your clients, as it encourages dialogue between you easily. It is also a good way of retaining clients who might otherwise have only used you as a one off. For example, if somebody has done business with a company and they are impressed with that work, they might try to find them on Facebook or Twitter in order to “like” them, and follow them to see if they have any interesting news or deals. This then means that because you are both connected and because you are regularly posting updates which they see, you are fresh in their mind if they require the service or product that you provide again.

It also means you can pass on news and offers to other people who are interested in your field. If friends of your friends see that they have “liked” you on Facebook or “+1ed” you on Google, they may choose to click on your page and look at what you have to offer. Therefore, social media is a good way of attracting new clients by spreading the word.

Being on social media sites also makes you look like a relatively “early adopter”. We feel that having a presence in social media has become somewhat similar to having a website in the early 2000s; whilst it is not essential to your business currently, more and more businesses are on social media and more and more people are using social media as an alternative to conventional search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Therefore, the expectation that you should have a presence is growing rather than shrinking – if people search for you on social media and find you are not on there now, they tend to wonder why. Just as it became essential for businesses to have a website, it is heading the same way with social media.

Therefore, it is better to join sooner rather than later, as if you choose not to be on sites like Facebook and Twitter then you will increasingly find yourself in the minority, and will probably find yourself having to play catch up in a few years when everyone else is on there. We feel that now is the time for companies to embrace social media if they haven’t already done so, and are here to help businesses make that leap.

To find out more about the different social media services that DBS Internet Marketing can set up for you, click through to the following pages:





Google +1


Finally, for anyone who still isn’t sure, it is worth remembering that Facebook is the second most used website in the world, YouTube is the third most used website in the world, and Twitter is in the top ten most used websites in the world. Google is top of that list.

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