DBS team celebrates Lincolnshire Day

1st October is Lincolnshire Day, and Lincolnshire has been getting itself noticed by trending on the social networking and microblogging site Twitter.

Tweets from Lincolnshire people having included what fine Lincolnshire produce they will be eating, their favourite parts of Lincolnshire, interesting Lincolnshire facts and names of  Lincolnshire celebrities. 

The day has shown what a fantastic presence Lincolnshire businesses have on Twitter, and what an excellent tool the social media site is for promoting Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire businesses. The tweets have included the hash tag #LincolnshireDay.

Here at DBS Internet Marketing we have been having a small celebration of Lincolnshire Day by enjoying some of Lincolnshire’s finest produce – including Lincolnshire sausage rolls from Welbourne’s Bakery in Navenby, Lincolnshire plum bread with Lincolnshire poacher cheese, Pipers Crisps and tea from Stokes of Lincoln. We also have a box of Bateman’s Brewery Ales to enjoy after work!

Lincolnshire Day marks the anniversary of the Lincolnshire Rising, which happened in 1536 and was a revolt by Catholics against Henry VIII’s establishment of the Church of England. It has been an annual celebration in Lincolnshire since 2006. Happy #LincolnshireDay!

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