Who is visiting my website?

With more and more companies investing in their websites in order to generate traffic, research shows only 2% of customers actually go on to enquire about your products or services – the others simply disappear without a trace. But what if you could discover who the elusive 98% are, what they’ve been looking at and…

clip_image002With more and more companies investing in their websites in order to generate traffic, research shows only 2% of customers actually go on to enquire about your products or services – the others simply disappear without a trace. But what if you could discover who the elusive 98% are, what they’ve been looking at and then contact them to offer further information on a more personal level? Imagine this, you have all these website visitors but no subsequent enquiries, how would you like to know: · Who the business was that visited your site · When they visited your site · What they searched for · The pages they viewed · The industry of the visitor and the business turnover Now you can find out all this information; a solution has been developed to help you maximise the value of each visit to your website, enabling you to identify and focus on prospects that have already discovered you through visiting your site. Measured targets don’t have to stop at Google Analytics There are measurable analysis tools currently out there – Google Analytics can offer insights into your online visits in regards to the number of hits to your site, statistics on the popular pages and the keywords used to find you. But how about taking it a step further and finding out who visited your site, which pages they looked at and when they visited, in order to approach them whilst your brand is still fresh in their mind. How it works A simple tracking code is added to your website pages, the data is then accessed through an online portal. This helps you to see who has looked at your site, enabling you to contact them directly about how you might be able to offer further information or assistance on a personal basis. So, when a prospect visits your site, you will be informed of who they are and what they’re looking at so that you can get more of an idea of their requirements. This data can open the door to finding out more information about this prospective customer. For more information around this, visit our product page or call David Clarke, Managing Director of DBS, on 01522 811688 to arrange a free demo.

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