What are Google Business Photos, Trusted Photographers & Trusted Agencies?

Google Business Photos are a way of showing customers, clients or anyone who takes an interest in your business, around your business. Whether this is externally or internally – Google Business Photos gives you the opportunity to create 360-degree interactive tours of your business as seen below: Should you create Google Business Photo’s for your…

Google Business Photos are a way of showing customers, clients or anyone who takes an interest in your business, around your business. Whether this is externally or internally – Google Business Photos gives you the opportunity to create 360-degree interactive tours of your business as seen below:

Should you create Google Business Photo’s for your business? Definitely – if customers or clients visit your business i.e. a restaurant, this is a great way of giving them an opportunity to look round prior to their visit. Once completed and uploaded these images will appear on Google searches when people look for your business by name and will also be displayed on Google Maps, Google+ Local and other Google properties. You can share this interactive experience on your own website too by embedding these images onto your preferred web page i.e. contact page.

So what’s a trusted photographer and trusted agency? Historically, Google have ‘locked down’ the creation of panoramic images by using their own employees and / or contracting this work to specific external companies. But now, photographers (Trusted Photographers) and photography agencies (Trusted Agencies) can be ‘approved’ by Google making the process entirely self service and open to anyone with a business and have a trusted photographer / agency within their country.

The difference between the two is simply:

•    Trusted Photographer = Individuals
•    Trusted Agency = Photography Businesses (Usually) [employing more than one photographer]

Both have to go “through a Certification Process for quality and professionalism that will provide you the same high standards of results for your business”. So who should you choose; a Trusted Photographer or a Trusted Agency? Honestly, it doesn’t matter; both have been vetted and met the same standards set by Google, so you should receive great quality results using either.

If you would like a free, no obligation chat about arranging a panoramic photo shoot for your business contact DBS who work alongside a Google Trusted Photographer on FREEPHONE 0800 988 8366.

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