DBS helps Bank of England “take the pulse” of East Midlands businesses

DBS has been playing a role in influencing Bank of England policy concerning UK businesses.Our director, David Clarke, attended a Bank of England / Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce business panel meeting in Gainsborough this week.The meeting was chaired by Alastair Cunningham – a regional representative of the Bank of England (pictured with David). Similar business…

IMG_2468DBS has been playing a role in influencing Bank of England policy concerning UK businesses.Our director, David Clarke, attended a Bank of England / Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce business panel meeting in Gainsborough this week.The meeting was chaired by Alastair Cunningham – a regional representative of the Bank of England (pictured with David). Similar business panels have previously been run by the Bank, who find them “a valuable way of taking the pulses of the businesses that are represented on them.”Only around 10-12 local businesses are invited to sit on the panels, which meet twice yearly to discuss the state of trade. The meetings are of benefit to both the Bank of England and the businesses attending. The Bank benefits enormously from the opportunity to “road test” themes they’ve picked up from their bilateral meetings with business contacts before reporting back to the Monetary Policy Committee in London, whereas businesses value the opportunity to put their own experience into perspective by hearing of others’ experiences.

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