Help visitors to return to your site

DBS Internet Marketing is now offering a powerful internet marketing technique called “retargeting” or “remarketing”. What is it? Well, you may have visited a website in the past, perhaps to purchase a product, but in the end not bothered. However, a few days later, coincidentally you have seen a banner advert for the very same…

RetargetingDBS Internet Marketing is now offering a powerful internet marketing technique called “retargeting” or “remarketing”. What is it? Well, you may have visited a website in the past, perhaps to purchase a product, but in the end not bothered. However, a few days later, coincidentally you have seen a banner advert for the very same website or even the very same product you were previously looking at. Well, it not a coincidence – you’ve been retargeted. Retargeting only targets those people who have already visited your site – so there is a strong chance that they are interested in the product that you have to offer. They may at the time of looking at your site decided not to purchase, but a gentle memory jog a few days later might make them think again. Even if doesn’t, it helps to keep your site in mind should they require your services again. This technique builds on our link building and pay-per-click services – people have to have already found your site in order to be retargeted. But having fought to get them to your site, this maximises your chances of converting visitors into customers. DBS Internet Marketing can show banner ads to anyone who has visited your website and not made a purchase for five days after they have left your site. We have a great degree of control as to the type of site and the geographical location the ads appear on, making retargeting very cost effective. The chances are that 98% or more of your web traffic currently leaves your site without a trace and this represents a huge proportion of lost business. Retargeting can help to change that. To find out more, visit the retargeting page on our website.

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