How an Out of Date Website Can Hurt a Business

Website Updates And Why You Need Them Many customers these days see a company website as a shop window and customers make quick decisions about whether or not they can trust a company based on what their website is like.

Website Updates And Why You Need Them

Many customers these days see a company website as a shop window and customers make quick decisions about whether or not they can trust a company based on what their website is like.

Out of date information such as Christmas dates listed in August can really hinder a first impression; a recent study* has discovered a staggering 97% of consumers now go online to research products and services from businesses, so can you afford to be missing out?

Many businesses hold off on updating the content within their website due to budgetary reasons or time constraints, “the website can wait until we’ve done x, y or z.

Or they might think that there are more important jobs to concentrate on. But putting off a website update can have some pretty serious consequences. A clearly outdated site can send a message to customers that the company doesn’t value their business enough to maintain their website or they might see it as a reflection of the quality of the product or the service that is being offered.

An out of date website can undermine your business’ credibility from a customer’s perspective.

website updates Outdated websites provide basic information about a business and rarely offer any information of value. Websites are now shifting from the standard brochure site to become more organic and content rich, which means that good quality content and blogs are now a vital way of engaging potential customers, as well as driving traffic to your site.

Each time you add a blog it means another page is added to your website, which is one more page for search engines to scan, improving your SEO and boosting your rankings.

The most up to date website is clean and simple, it should be visual and engaging; customers don’t want to read a life history on the home page that has sat there for five years, they want to be educated – not talked at.

So if you neglect your website updates, you will not only deter potential customers but also put off the existing ones.

Keeping your website updated doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming, click here to read about content management systems and how they could help.

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