International Women’s Day 2022- Celebrating the women that inspire DBS

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2022, we wanted to celebrate all the women in our lives that have inspired us 

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2022, we wanted to celebrate all the women in our lives that have inspired us 

Julie- Managing Director

Brene Brown 

“I was recommended Brene Brown on Netflix, The Call to Courage. Her talk about vulnerability is inspirational and something that has stayed with me. I have since read a few of her books and I love the humour and empathy in her work, she has definitely played a big part in my personal development” 

Dan- Digital Marketing Manager

Marlene Rucklidge 

“My nan found out she was pregnant with my mum whilst my Grandad was on an overseas military expedition. She went through pregnancy and the first few months of parenting alone and in total, raised 3 children, my mum, auntie and uncle, who are a credit to her. Nanna’s bubbly personality and zest for life continues to inspire her 7 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren- shes a role model to us all” 

Greta Thunberg 

“love her or hate her, Greta made the leaders of our world take notice of the environmental issues we’re facing and that should be applauded” 

Matt- Web Project Manager

My partner Mel 

“She become a parent at the start of the first lockdown and coped amazingly well and has blossomed into an absolutely wonderful Mummy, she’s also not a bad partner either 😊” 

Becky- Digital Marketing Specialist

Taylor Swift 

“For me, Taylor Swift has to be on this list. She may not be to everyone’s taste but I have loved her music since I was a young teenager and I think what she has achieved in the industry for women is amazing. She has taken ownership of her own music by re-recording her albums, her song writing is outstanding and I can relate to a lot of her songs. I listen to her no matter what mood I’m in. There’s always a Taylor song to suit” 

My friends and family 

“From my mum and sister to my future mother in law, my godmothers , my aunties, grandmothers and best friends, there are so many amazing women in my life that I find inspirational. I am surrounded by strong, funny, talented, hardworking women who probably don’t realise that they are an inspiration to me.” 

James- Digital Consultant

Nancy Astor and Margaret Wintringham  

“They were some of the very first female MPs who were completely lone voices in what had been entirely a man’s world for centuries. It must have taken some real guts just to stand for election back then, let alone stand up in Parliament surrounded entirely by men, who didn’t believe they should be there, and not even having a toilet for women. Add to that some of the early female ministers like Margaret Bondfield, Susan Lawrence and Ellen Wilkinson – women were few and far between in ministerial roles for decades. I would also add in more recent years Harriet Harman to that, who has done a huge amount to push forward equality for women” 

Dan- Graphic Designer

Jean Dyer 

“Our nan sadly passed away 2 years ago. She was a very loving, caring lady full of kindness and always there for us when we needed her, even throughout her illness” 

J K Rowling 

“Im a massive Harry Potter fan of both the films and the books, and her work is simply brilliant! Without her there would be no Hogwarts” 

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