Increase Your Conversions With Re-targeting

Re-targeting with Banner Ads Ever been on a website and then, a few days later, seen a banner advert for the very same website whilst you were surfing elsewhere?

Re-targeting with Banner Ads

dbs maximise your chances of converting visitors into customersEver been on a website and then, a few days later, seen a banner advert for the very same website whilst you were surfing elsewhere?

It’s not a coincidence – it’s a powerful internet marketing technique called “re-targeting” or “re-marketing”.

If you’ve fought to get visitors to your website then why not maximise your chances of converting visitors into customers?

DBS can serve banner ads to anyone who has visited your website and not converted into a customer.

In effect your web visitors are “followed around” by your banner adverts on subsequent sites they visit.

DBS has a great degree of control as to where we serve the banner ads in terms of the type of site and the geographical location of your website’s visitors. This makes re-targeting very cost effective.

You can read more about how you can increase conversions with re-targeting by clicking here.

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