The benefits of LinkedIn ads for businesses

LinkedIn has created quite a buzz since its launch in 2003, and with its constant evolution it has become an incredibly useful tool for professionals. But how exactly can it help you? As a business, you may already have a company page on LinkedIn, but is the mere presence of your company page enough? Content…

clip_image002LinkedIn has created quite a buzz since its launch in 2003, and with its constant evolution it has become an incredibly useful tool for professionals. But how exactly can it help you? As a business, you may already have a company page on LinkedIn, but is the mere presence of your company page enough? Content marketing is a powerful way of talking about your business and services, it’s no longer just about the hard sell, it’s about demonstrating you know your stuff to impress prospective customers. In 2014, LinkedIn went further and announced that all members can create and publish content to showcase their knowledge and expertise. Think about it – there’s a sitting audience for you to influence beyond your followers: · 300 million+ members on LinkedIn · 1.3 million small business owners · 12 million small business professionals But not everyone wants to know about what you do, right? How do you target people that would benefit from your knowledge? So this is the clever solution, instead of pushing your words out there and hoping that someone bites, you can target a demographic or location that would benefit from your wisdom. LinkedIn can now deliver your piece by narrowing down and identifying a relevant audience. So for example you want to target senior lawyers in Derbyshire, you can push your piece to them by identifying job function, seniority and geography; that way your company is delivering its knowledge to the people that will benefit from it! LinkedIn ads are a form of display advertising, yet highly targeted to an applicable audience, users didn’t search for anything or ask to see your ad, but it is there encouraging them to click through to your website. If you would like to know how LinkedIn can help your business talk to David Clarke, Managing Director at DBS, on 01522 811688, or freephone 0800 988 8366

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